With the January upon us, it’s a great time for Advisors to consider your continuing education plan for the new year to ensure you stay compliant with CE credit requirements. To help you with your planning, we pulled together the below list of CE requirements for each province.
And remember, you can stay organized and confidentially keep track of your CE credits by uploading them upon completion within your APEXA profile!
Advocis - https://www.advocis.ca/ce-requirements/
FSRA (Ontario) – CE Period: 24-month period (in accordance with licence renewal date) 30 CE credits every two-year term.
Insurance Council of BC – CE Period: Annual
Deadline: May 31
Life or A&S Insurance Agents: 15 Credits
Alberta Insurance Council – CE Period: Annual
Deadline: July 1st to June 30th
15 hours of CE per certificate class. The regulation also provides a mechanism to carry forward up to a maximum of 7.5 hours of credits from one certificate term to the next.
Insurance Council of Manitoba – CE Period: Annual Deadline: May 31 Requirement: 15 hours CE (maximum of 5 CE credits of the required 15 may be related to segregated funds. Maximum of 5 may include investment–related education if it is directly applicable and relevant to segregated funds.) Life and/or Accident & Sickness – no carry–forwards.
Insurance Councils of Sasketchwan – CE Period: Annual
Deadline: Commenced upon licensing
Individuals that become licensed for the first time require a minimum of 15 CE per Life Insurance Council Bylaws of continuing education in each annual reporting period. Excess credit hours earned in the reporting period are not eligible for carry–over into the next reporting period.
Chambre de la Securite Financiere (Quebec) – CE Period: 24–month period
Current Deadline: Dec 1, 2019 to Nov 30, 2021
30 PDUs, apportioned as follows:
10 PDUs in General Subjects
10 PDUs in Compliance with standards, ethics & professional practice
10 PDUs in topics specific to discipline or registration category in which they are authorized to carry on business
PDUs in excess of the 10 PDUs required in specific topics or in compliance with standards, ethics and professional practice are credited as general subject PDUs. The regulation stipulates that PDUs must be accumulated in the following subjects:
IIROC – CE Period: 2–year cycles
Current Cycle: Jan. 1, 2020 to Dec. 31, 2021
Next Cycle: Jan. 1, 2022 to Dec. 31, 2023
Mandatory Continuing Education (CE) program for member firm registrants who deal with the public. The CE program operates on two–year cycles.
Individuals registered to do retail business and give advice must complete a Compliance course and a Professional Development course during each cycle. Those who are not registered to do retail business (who deal with institutions only) and those not registered to give advice — such as investment representatives — must complete a Compliance course.
MFDA Rule 1.2.6 (b) requires every Approved Person who is registered as a dealing representative under Canadian securities legislation to complete 8 Business Conduct Credits, 20 Professional Development Credits and 2 MFDA Compliance Credits each cycle.
MFDA Rule 1.2.6 (c) requires Approved Persons who are not registered as a dealing representative but are registered as a chief compliance officer or ultimate designated person under Canadian securities legislation or designated by the Member as a branch manager or alternate branch manager, or alternate chief compliance officer under MFDA Rules, to complete 8 Business Conduct Credits and 2 MFDA Compliance Credits each cycle.
NS, NB, PEI and NL – No CE Credit requirements
NWT and Yukon – No CE Credit requirements
Nunavut – No CE Credit requirements
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