Staff Feature - Doram Dascaloff

December 12, 2023 at 11:04 AM / by Doram Dascaloff  /  2 minute read

ENG  Inside APEXA - Doram Dascaloff

Hi, I’m Doram Dascaloff and I joined the APEXA team as a Client Implementation Lead (CIL) in June of 2022.

My journey to APEXA

Shortly after high school I enrolled in a post-secondary professional cooking program. I was pretty good at cooking and hospitality comes naturally to me. This ignited my 10-year career as a professional chef. I worked 6 years at a professional sporting arena which hosted concerts, NBA and NHL games and other events. This is where I learned a lot about the importance of teamwork and communication. Being in such a fast-paced environment taught me to think outside the box when facing “on the fly” challenges.

Long hours at the restaurant and the lack of a work-life balance were starting to take their toll. While entertaining clients at their private table an opportunity to change my career presented itself to join a claims adjudication software company as a bilingual customer support specialist. I had no previous experience and was ready for a new challenge. In the 15 years I worked there (prior to joining APEXA) I was promoted into various roles which allowed me to learn about the group and life insurance industry, software as a service ideology, project management, account management, and the important roll technology plays within these industries. 

I found out about APEXA and the CIL position while searching for new employment. I was part of an organizational restructuring and wanted to stay within the insurance tech industry. Having previously worked with group insurance, the change to APEXA was an opportunity to get exposure to life insurance, especially contracting and compliance.

What I do in APEXA

As a Client Implementation Lead, I work with our new clients to assist them with the on-boarding process. I collaborate with various teams within APEXA to ensure we capture the business requirements, goals, and objectives so the client has a successful experience. As part of that, I schedule, facilitate, and personalize the onboarding project for each client assigned to me.

My go-to productivity trick

Using Google Assistant to capture thoughts, ideas, notes, and to set reminders. It also reminds me of appointments, meetings and events that are set in both my personal and work calendar.

My dream skill

I’ve always been fascinated with magic, but more specific, card magic. I learned a few mathematical card tricks and have amazed friends and family, but I would really like to learn more on sleight of hand and illusions.

Away from work, you can find me here

In the kitchen preparing a batch of hot sauce using the peppers I grew over the summer. Out hiking in one of the many provincial/national parks. Hosting a get together for friends and family. Watching Jason Ladanye perform mind boggling card tricks on Instagram or YouTube, you should check him out.


Topics: Inside APEXA

Doram Dascaloff

Written by Doram Dascaloff

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