Enhancements to the Annual Attestation Process

November 11, 2024 at 9:52 AM / by APEXA Training Team  /  2 minute read

To ensure the APEXA system effectively supports compliance, it's crucial that we maintain current and accurate information. To uphold this standard, advisors participate in an annual attestation process. Completed once a year on the anniversary of your APEXA profile registration, the annual attestation requires you to review your advisor profile and either confirm that the information remains unchanged or update it as needed. 

The attestation workflow was structured within APEXA to prompt advisers to review information thoroughly and to provide accurate updates. Recently, we enhanced this process based on feedback from advisors and clients, making it more efficient while retaining the essential prompts needed to ensure accuracy.

Enhancements to the workflow for advisors, which became effective October 9th, streamline the process of updating the CLHIA Advisor Screening Questionnaire, making it simpler and more efficient:

  • The responses we have on file, based on the last time they were updated, will now be displayed.
    • Advisors will either click a “No Change” button or modify the information as needed.
  • Documents, based on the last time they were updated, will also be retained and displayed.
    • Advisors will only need to upload new documents if they have changed since your last update
  • At the end of the process, you will be prompted to confirm that you have reviewed your past responses and made the appropriate edits.

As you begin using the enhanced attestation process, you should be aware of these details:

  • For each individual question, you will need to either change your or indicate “no change.” Note, an update to document is considered a change.
  • If any edits are made to your response, the “No Change” checkbox will be disabled. This includes changes to:
    • Yes/No Radio Button
    • Text
    • Documents
  • You will be unable to navigate to the next page until all questions are either modified or the “No Change” button has been selected.
  • Changes are automatically saved as you make them. This means:
    • If you make a change that also impacts your Advisor Profile, you Advisor Profile will be immediately and simultaneously updated.
    • If you exit the system before finishing your attestation, your changes will be saved for you when you return.
  • If you modify a response in error and wish to restore it to the response that was previously on file, you will need to retype the answer.

Here’s some screenshots of the new process:





Topics: Tips & Tricks

APEXA Training Team

Written by APEXA Training Team

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