“Outsourcing is defined as delegating to a service provider, over a defined period, the performance and management of a function, activity or process, that is or could be undertaken internally by the Insurer or the Intermediary itself.” – ccir-ccrra.
Ibhaze Uduehi
Recent Posts
Outsourcing Best Practices – Four Considerations for the Life Insurance Industry
June 1, 2021 at 11:00 AM / by Ibhaze Uduehi posted in Life Insurance Business as Usual / 2 minute read
Email Marketing Tricks to Keep at Your Fingertips
May 18, 2021 at 11:00 AM / by Ibhaze Uduehi posted in Life Insurance Business as Usual / 1 minute read
As an Advisor in the Life Insurance Industry, creating relationships with the customer is essential. Email marketing is one of several channels through which relationships can be created and fostered. What is the recipe for success when it comes to email marketing? How should you structure the conversation and leave room for continuity after your first “welcome” message? Consider these three tips before you tackle your next email campaign:
Conflicts of Interest in Life Insurance
May 4, 2021 at 11:00 AM / by Ibhaze Uduehi posted in Life Insurance Business as Usual / 2 minute read
Whenever a business is at a crossroads, Conflict of Interest invites the conflicted party to think ethically in consideration of the customer’s needs. While the Fair Treatment of Customer’s guidelines centers on protecting the customer, the outcome of Conflict of Interest equally aims to ensure that all parties’ interests are taken into account when decisions are being made.
Change Management in the Life Insurance Industry
April 20, 2021 at 11:00 AM / by Ibhaze Uduehi posted in Life Insurance Business as Usual / 2 minute read
Change—in the right setting, at the right time, and with the right frame of mind—can be a good thing. Often, it is synonymous with growth, either in personal or professional life. More often than not, though, it can be a struggle to map out the process of going from the status quo to a more ideal situation.
Corporate Governance and Culture in Life Insurance
April 6, 2021 at 11:00 AM / by Ibhaze Uduehi posted in Life Insurance Business as Usual / 2 minute read
“A company’s corporate governance is important to investors since it shows a company’s direction and business integrity. Good corporate governance helps companies build trust with investors and the community. As a result, corporate governance helps promote financial viability by creating a long-term investment opportunity for market participants.” – Investopedia.
Six Steps to Leading a More Eco-friendly Lifestyle
March 23, 2021 at 11:00 AM / by Ibhaze Uduehi posted in Sustainability / 3 minute read
Earlier this year, we discussed how we are seeing more and more business leaders prioritizing sustainability as a key facet of their mission and building it into their principles and strategies to ensure business resilience. But corporations aren’t the only ones shifting toward more sustainable practices. Individuals are also increasingly reflecting on their carbon footprints and finding ways to lead more sustainable lives. If you are looking for tangible ways to have a more positive impact on the planet in your daily life, check out these six tips—Reflect. Reorganize. Repurpose. Recycle. Reinforce …and Repeat!
The Fair Treatment of Customers in the Life Insurance Industry
February 23, 2021 at 11:00 AM / by Ibhaze Uduehi posted in Life Insurance Business as Usual / 3 minute read
“Fair Treatment of Customers encompasses concepts such as ethical behavior, acting in good faith, and the prohibition of abusive practices.” – CCIR Guidance Conduct of Insurance Business and Fair Treatment of Customers.
How to Develop a User-Friendly Website
February 9, 2021 at 11:00 AM / by Ibhaze Uduehi posted in Life Insurance Business as Usual, Digital and Social Media / 3 minute read
Previously, we shared the importance of attracting a millennial audience, for either Advisors or enterprises, by having a robust online presence. Now, we’re diving a little deeper into the requirements of a user-friendly website to help you attract and retain the attention of your online target audience. An easy-to-use website will take them on a journey from their initial interest in your product through to finalizing an agreement. Keep in mind that a website designed to make users’ experience seamless accomplishes three key things:
Remote Work and Productivity in 2021
January 5, 2021 at 11:00 AM / by Ibhaze Uduehi posted in APEXA from Home / 3 minute read
Fare thee well, 2020!
Five Elements for an Effective 2021 Business Plan
December 22, 2020 at 11:00 AM / by Ibhaze Uduehi posted in Life Insurance Business as Usual / 5 minute read
Are you an Advisor, running an MGA, or an entrepreneur who is starting your practice? If so, this blog will guide your thought process through developing an effective business plan. Keep in mind that if you operate a lean team, some elements may not be applicable. If that is the case, read through the guide and just apply the elements that work for your planning process.