“A company’s corporate governance is important to investors since it shows a company’s direction and business integrity. Good corporate governance helps companies build trust with investors and the community. As a result, corporate governance helps promote financial viability by creating a long-term investment opportunity for market participants.” – Investopedia.
Corporate Governance and Culture in Life Insurance
April 6, 2021 at 11:00 AM / by Ibhaze Uduehi posted in Life Insurance Business as Usual / 2 minute read
Three Considerations for Business Modernization in Life Insurance
March 9, 2021 at 11:00 AM / by Sarah Sheppard posted in Life Insurance Business as Usual / 3 minute read
When you think of modernizing your business, going digital may be what first comes to mind. While the importance of being digital is reinforced globally, it is not the only component that should be considered to ensure the changes you are making are optimizing workflow and improving efficiencies. In our journey to standardize and simplify life insurance advisor compliance through modern technology, we have learned valuable lessons along the way that corporations, MGAs, or insurers in the life insurance industry can consider when facing business modernization.
The Fair Treatment of Customers in the Life Insurance Industry
February 23, 2021 at 11:00 AM / by Ibhaze Uduehi posted in Life Insurance Business as Usual / 3 minute read
“Fair Treatment of Customers encompasses concepts such as ethical behavior, acting in good faith, and the prohibition of abusive practices.” – CCIR Guidance Conduct of Insurance Business and Fair Treatment of Customers.
How to Develop a User-Friendly Website
February 9, 2021 at 11:00 AM / by Ibhaze Uduehi posted in Life Insurance Business as Usual, Digital and Social Media / 3 minute read
Previously, we shared the importance of attracting a millennial audience, for either Advisors or enterprises, by having a robust online presence. Now, we’re diving a little deeper into the requirements of a user-friendly website to help you attract and retain the attention of your online target audience. An easy-to-use website will take them on a journey from their initial interest in your product through to finalizing an agreement. Keep in mind that a website designed to make users’ experience seamless accomplishes three key things:
Five Elements for an Effective 2021 Business Plan
December 22, 2020 at 11:00 AM / by Ibhaze Uduehi posted in Life Insurance Business as Usual / 5 minute read
Are you an Advisor, running an MGA, or an entrepreneur who is starting your practice? If so, this blog will guide your thought process through developing an effective business plan. Keep in mind that if you operate a lean team, some elements may not be applicable. If that is the case, read through the guide and just apply the elements that work for your planning process.
Millennials and Life Insurance - Bridging the Gap
December 1, 2020 at 11:00 AM / by Ibhaze Uduehi posted in Life Insurance Business as Usual, Digital and Social Media / 4 minute read
For a while now, the life insurance industry has overlooked millennials. One reason is that compared to the boomer generation, millennials’ achievement of significant life goals is delayed because, for instance, of the burden of paying off student loans. Then, there is the effect of such delays on lifestyle choices and financial priorities. The cumulative outcome is that life insurance is often relegated to the bottom of the millennial’s list, or in some cases, it is simply not on it at all. Previously, we broached the subject of millennials and the life insurance industry, with a view to connecting both parties via disruption and technology. With the millennial demographic comprising the largest generation in Canada, it is more essential than ever to prioritize this audience.
2020 and The Hand it Dealt
November 17, 2020 at 11:00 AM / by Ibhaze Uduehi posted in Life Insurance Business as Usual, APEXA from Home / 3 minute read